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♥陳奕輝 ♥ [ Session-Photo]

♥陳奕輝 ♥ [ Session-Photo]

Webcam 2~

Webcam 2~
Do webcam -


i'm so bored so i do webcam

Minggu, 12 September 2010

Webcam [ 12 - 9 - 2010 ]

OMB . I'm so bored today
nothing to do, actually we have holiday but i didn't go anywhere :( i'm so upset
actually we have a plan. Me and my mom will go to Singapore but my mom said that the ticket was so expensive then we canceled it ;(

huhuh, so today i'm really bored and do some activities
One of them is WEBCAM !! (:


Follow my twitter account ==> @KarlBoyBelieber & @KarlBieber


Well so long time i didnt open my blog again~
hahaha because idk how to manage it
and now i'm sign in because im feel so bored
nothing to do
my twitter acc is tweet limit

Byeee -

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010


aaaa! aku ga bisa a kejrja remed biology! GILAAAA!
susahhnyaa! EEQ ja laa, gilaaa. ud belajar tetap ja tak bisaaa.
tak tau soal apa ler, eeq ja e~
ud pelit nilai lagi, :((
HUWAAAA, kalau ga lulus ini gimanaaa lagi yaa?
padahal semuaa mata pelajaran lulus bahhh :( malah sisa BIOLOGY SIALAN ini :((

moga moga bisa lulus e. AMIN AMIN :((


huwaaaa!! im so sad cuz i got remedial for biology exam :((
im totally sad! :( i was shocked and cried when my friend told me that i got remedial :(
huhuhuhuh :( but its ok, my friend ask me to CHEER UP ! YEAHHH !
and 1 thing i believe~ that i can pass the remedial !